If you love the Beatle’s White Album you’re in for a treat.

One of the Beatle’s seminal albums has been reissued and remasterd for its 50th anniversary, with lots of extras that will keep any Beatle’s fan listening and picking up brand new sound nuances.

It was released in 1968, one of the most impactful years in history on many fronts — poiitics, culture, and music.

You could almost say that in 1968 the world changed. And the Beatles, as usual, had their finger on the pulse of that change.

But the real joy of this new album, that musicians and music junkies will appreciate, are the remixes and remastering of all the material. I hear many more sutleties of all aspects of the arrangements than I every noticed before, and I’ve listened to this album many times, with my conciousness enhanced, so to speak.

Plus there are lots of background stories behind the songs and recordings, through early demos, and comments from all involved. It’s another opportunity for Beatles lovers to deepen their appreciation of probably the best band in history.

Big Kev’s Show About the Reissue

Our star progammer Big Kev did a radio show about this new album. He really explains the benefits of the reissue and adds lots of band comments and stories about the songs that take on new life when you listen to them again. Check out the podcast below to get up to speed on why you really need to pickup on this new release.